Castle-an-Dinas Solar Array
Installed Capacity
400 kW
Homes Powered Per Annum
Penzance TR20 8AG
The proposed array will provide power direct to the quarry with 75% of the generation being used on site. The proposal will reduce the site's electrical import by approximately 30%, significantly helping to decarbonise quarry operations.
OPA prepared and submitted a full planning application for this proposal on behalf of Cornwall Council. This project is the first of many for Cornwall Council and provided an obvious early opportunity to combat climate change and make progress towards meeting their 2030 objectives, whilst delivering a solution that can be taken forward to increase renewable energy generating capacity and demonstrate a significant statement of intent in the Council and Cormac’s approach to tackling climate change.
The proposal required cearful management to ensure its impacts weren't considered unacceptable to the Cornwall AONB management team. Therefore mitigation measures were discussed and agreed to reduce the visual prominence of the array on some of Cornwall's most valued landscapes.